Please complete the following info:
    Registration fees are linked to the World Bank country classifications by income level: 2024-2025:
      Income Index
    Should you require support to attend the conference, please send a motivation letter to: ekaterina.zibrova@wits.ac.za.
    Select an option *
    Select any optional extras
    Your details
    Courier address (should documents need to be sent to you)
    Your company's details (if they are paying)
    Payment total
    Select a payment option *
    The next step
    Once you've registered you will either be directed to a secure credit card payment page (we use a company called PayFast) or you will be emailed our bank details for EFT.

    Note: This event is administered by Wits Enterprise, a wholly owned subsidiary company of the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits). You may receive communication regarding the event from Wits Enterprise.